The shocking story of a club girls

​I don’t know the appropriate place to post this. 
This morning someone sent me a picture with an accompanying voice note, on WhatsApp, telling me that a girl went to the club, and after having fun all night, gave her friend her phone to take a picture of her. After taking the picture, she didn’t check, but on getting home, she decided checking out her club photo, and to her shock, she saw that the man standing right behind her was headless.

MMM loses to ultimate cycler…

Gentlemen n Ladies!

The real stuff is here. One of the best Networking business so far its 10 Times Better than MM.M as you make 400% in just 1 week.
UItimate Cycler is really the ultimate; you register with #12,500 only and get #50,000 in just one week. When you register, 4 persons will be paired to you and you will be getting #50,000 in just one week interval or less. 
You must not bring someone to earn your #50,000. Bringing someone only speeds up the process; and we are helping you in that regard, within 24 to 48 hours you’ll start getting paid already. For clarity, if I register 1 person, two things are involved; it’s either the person is matched with me and pays me the 12.5k or I’m matched with someone else who has just been registered somewhere (but the proximity won’t be much though), and the person pays me.
If the person doesn’t pay me within 24hrs, I’ll not activate the person’s account and I’ll still be matched with someone else. It’s just making so much sense.

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Registration Process: go to the first reply in the thread to get our referral link or ow. ly / wdyi306zm7t (rem0ve spaces)

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In the 2nd page, tick the 3 boxes and continue.


In the 3rd page, scroll down to Country and choose your country. Leave others, then click *FINISH AND SAVE.


In the last page, click *THANK YOU icon to show u whom to pay to. Collect the person’s Account Number if provided OR Phone number and call him for account details to pay him/with cash so he can confirm you.


It’s as real as day breaking. It’s new in Naija and you can make the best out of it now. No let ur village people succeed to tell u say make u no join oo! Xmas near!

How to hang out with ur buddy…

​When you’re pals with a real hottie, it’s hard not to think about how to have sex with a friend. So for all you pervy naughty ones out there who want to have sex with a friend, here’s your baby step into the world of sex buddies.
Seriously, who hasn’t met a friend who’s sexy and all that?

And how many of us haven’t wondered how to have sex with a friend?

It feels so good to be bad. It feels even better to cross that boundary and play dirty, doesn’t it?

Life in the fast lane couldn’t get any faster in these days of fast love and raging hormones.

It’s hard to get over the blues of being single especially when everyone around is either madly in love, or physically in love.

If lovers can do it, why not friends? After all, friends do share everything lovers share, other than physical intimacy, right?
Sex with a friend

You can turn to a friend to cheer you up, and hang out together to cure those boredom butt pains. As always.

A friend can really help cheer you up in more ways than just a shoulder to cry on. If this friend is of the opposite sex and looks hot, that is.
In these days of sexual relationships and one night stands, friendships too seem to dig in for a stake of lust and carnal desires. Sex, to be precise. A hug between two friends can lead to heavy petting and a drink can show you the direction to your friend’s bedroom, with a finale of lustful lovemaking. 
Why have sex with a friend?

If your friend is charming or really good looking, what are the odds that you are not going to want to have sex with a friend? Oh yeah, I seem to have forgotten the ‘fact’ that friends are out of bounds. Is that what you’re trying to say? You know what, take that phony excuse and stick it up your rear end!
Now don’t tell me that you’ve never wondered about how to have sex with a friend or fantasized about a sizzling friend as a hot lay, or hoped for a drunken snog at least once. 
Having sex with a friend – A sex buddy

A sex buddy is someone you know as a friend, and is physically attractive and physically attracted to you. It doesn’t end there though, a sex buddy is one who shares uninhibited physical intimacy with you, with no strings attached! If this is news to you, take those goody goody glasses off your face and take a good look at the pair gyrating in the club, and try keeping a count on the number of partners that are being swapped in a night, at least on the dance floor!
Sex buddies have always existed over the years but until a few years ago, it was an immoral and hushed affair. Friends have always had sex with friends, but it’s not really something people readily talk about in the open.
But recently, with the boom in 24/7 calls from work and work shifts at hours that run late into the night, the prospect of friends just hoping to have sex with a friend or friends just rubbing the shoulders is passé! These days, it’s not taboo or unusual to have sex with a friend, after work or a party. If one night stands can be morally legal amongst us, why not having sex with a friend? Anyways, they’re here to stay, whether you like it or not.
YOU DON”T WANNA MISS How to Kiss a Friend and Get Away with It
Phone calls and sex with a friend

A booty call is that ‘special’ call that is made with the sole intention of having sex, with the person being contacted. And this person is usually a single attractive friend of the opposite sex, who is bored, and craving for some sort of fun to wind a boring day. Or perhaps, they too just want to have sex with a friend. A booty call is usually made at night, or after consuming alcohol. 
A booty call might be the telephonic version of a one night stand, but it’s a lot better in more ways than one. Here, you don’t have to worry about waking up in bed with an ugly slob as you already know what your hot friend looks like, and the chances of getting an STD is relatively less, though it cannot be eliminated.
Now that you’re all warmed up with the lingo, it’s time to ask yourself if you want to have some good tines together….